SomaCore Debugger update

| 1 min read

I've updated the debugger used in SomaCore. You can know click on everything to parse the objects and I've added a FPS + Memory meter. I'll continue to improve the debugger with my needs, next step might be a Garbage Collection monitor.

Click here to see the debugger in action.

Tips: if you close the debugger, type "debug" to get it back.

Here is a little bit of code in case you want to want to use the debugger without using the SomaCore Framework.

package {

import flash.display.Sprite;
import com.soma.core.Soma;
import com.soma.core.interfaces.ISoma;
import com.soma.debugger.SomaDebugger;
import com.soma.debugger.vo.SomaDebuggerVO;

public class Main extends Sprite {

function Main() {
// create soma application
var app:ISoma = new Soma(stage);
// create debugger options
var vo:SomaDebuggerVO = new SomaDebuggerVO(app, SomaDebugger.NAME_DEFAULT, [], true, false);
// create debugger
var debugger:SomaDebugger = app.createPlugin(SomaDebugger, vo) as SomaDebugger;
// use debugger
debug("Hello Debugger");

private function debug(obj:Object):void {
// use app.dispatchEvent() from a class that is not in the display list
dispatchEvent(new SomaDebuggerEvent(SomaDebuggerEvent.PRINT, obj));
// events available:
// SomaDebuggerEvent.SHOW_DEBUGGER;
// SomaDebuggerEvent.CLEAR;
// SomaDebuggerEvent.PRINT;
// SomaDebuggerEvent.HIDE_DEBUGGER;
// SomaDebuggerEvent.MOVE_TO_TOP;

